Ramaa's 2024 Retreat is almost here!
October 17th -20th, Wingspread Retreat Center, Wisconsin
This year’s retreat will be built around Ramaa’s book,
The Yoga of Self-Love: The Sacred Path to Wholeness and Healing through Inner-Child Work
The inner child is our soul, the source of our light on earth. When life happens and wounds occur, the
ego steps in and takes control, masking this light and having us live from safety, not authenticity.
It takes inner work to dig our light out from under years of woundedness. You can't change the past, but
with wisdom and practice, you can change the way you feel about it.
This retreat will give you tools to help you to:
-heal the past
-take charge of your narratives
-create an internal climate of love and nurturance
-work with your imperfections with kindness
-be authentic and empowered just the way you are
-envision a new future from a place of health and freedom
Join others on this soul-searching journey of healing the past and moving
towards love, wholeness, and joy!
Retreat Fee : $2200
Pictures from the 2023 Serenity Retreat
Wingspread is a beautiful retreat center built on 36 acres with excellent facilities, healthy meals, and many opportunities for taking long walks or spending quiet time by yourself or with a soul friend.
Ramaa leads retreats in the USA and group travels abroad to offer the community opportunities to build connection, study together, and collect new experiences. Over the years she has led retreats in nearby Wisconsin and groups to India and Ireland. Here are some glimpses from her groups, retreats, and travels.
Wingspread Retreat - October 2022
During a 5-day excursion to the Wingspread Retreat, Ramaa and her students enjoyed the teachings of well-known author Don Miguel Ruiz's powerful book, The Four Agreements. This retreat was a soulful time, filled with learning, renewal, and joy. Wingspread is a stunning retreat center built on 36 acres with excellent facilities, spaces, and many opportunities for taking long walks or spending quiet time by yourself or with a soul friend.