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Living Light-ly Thursday Afternoon 1-2.30pm

Living Lightly is not about living superficially, but about living with freedom. It comes from a wisdom that enables us to see, accept, and embrace our reality with a smile, while striving to change what we can without attachment. In these 7 weeks we will get in touch with the heaviness that crushes our spirit, look deeply to see where it comes from and why we choose to carry it. Taking in teachings from everywhere, our practices will be aimed towards uncovering and releasing the myths that weigh us down.  New habits and homework exercises will help us live from a more en-lightened vibe and leave us wondering what took us so long! 

Links for the class will be sent 24 hours prior. As always sessions will be recorded and shared for participants to review and reflect on after class.)

Living Light-ly Thursday Afternoon 1-2.30pm

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